User Test Results

Tester 1: Afrah Tester 2: Divjeet Tester 3: Glenda Tester 4: Matthew


Through the four rounds of user testing I conducted, I observed that their first intuition is to click on the white tag-like buttons and sometimes, they also thought that they could scroll because of the scrolling effect. There were a couple that were confused when they click on the full outfit for the second time, the tag for the pants disappear. After testing, I asked them about the placement of the tags and they said that it was simple and intuitive; one suggestion they have is to get rid of the underline and change the text to black and maybe emphasize it more so it creates contrast with the rest of the image.
I also observed that the users would hover over the outfits first at the landing page and see the hover happening and then click on a particular outfit. They would use the back button to go back to the landing page. There were some frustrations and confusions shown when they would click on an outfit they like and a different outfit would show up to which they're not expecting.
As for the image, I saw that the users were delighted and satisfied when they would click on the a specific tag and that piece of clothign would be highligted. Some users wished that they could see the full outfit without the tags and also expected that they can also click on the clothes themselves to highlight that piece of clothing.

My Plan

Overall, based on the user testing, I think I was able to capture the vibe and aesthetic of the Pinterest website in my project.

For my third and final version, I hope to fix the glitch so that when the user clicks on the 2022 outfit, the 2022 outfit would show up and not the other years. I'm also going to change some of the styling of the tags to black and possibly adding an outline instead of a fill so it doesn't fully cover the outfit. I also want to make the tags more tag-like and not button like. I also wanna add an option, similar to Pinterest, where they can see the full outfit without any tags on. I might place the "Full Outfit" tag for better visibility and navigation. If I have time, I also want to implement the option of being able to click on the actual clothes using an image map so I can give users more flexibility and exploration.