Erika noted that the face filters were cute and considered them to be the main fun factor. However, she mentioned that the design elements were distorted and cut off from her face and a bit too small making it harder to read. Her favorite face filters were the bike ones and the train
Erika encountered quite a number of issues when launching the face filters. She mentioned how it's quite frustrating that the camera takes a really long time to load and there's not really an indicator how long until it finishes loading. She recommended that having a fun animation or a message pop-up such as "Hold On" would make the user experience better. She also said something about the camera looking weird and felt like it was reverse.
Because the prompt for usability test is framed which describes our app as a way to learn more about the history of the different Davis Destinations, she felt like the actual information on our app needed more detailed information about the history and showcased more about the timeline (when it was built, why it was built, etc..). She mentioned how the app's purpose and what it's presenting now contradicted with each other. She recommended that if we want to focus on users having more extensive knowledge about the history of Davis, we should provide more historical information and make the face filter as the prize after learning abou the history.
After conducting the usability testing, I realized that Laura and I still have to narrow down our focus on what we actually want users to takeaway from the user experience our app provides. I think we'll definitely consider adding more detailed historical information for each location, possibly by adding a timeline and links and resources to where we got the information from. Perhaps, present it in a way that is still concise and a pleasure to look at. There were also a lot of issues with user experience such as the slow camera loading and distorted face filters. We'll definitely consider adding more fun animations or graphics in the loading screen so users aren't frustrated when the screen isn't loading properly. I think as of right now, our face filters looked a bit plain so we plan on styling it more so it looks very fun and picture-worthy.