The article discussed “Art Filter” which is AR selfie filters to the Google Arts & Culture app. Some of the Art Filters they provided are inspired by legendary artworks such as the self-portrait of Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo’s “Self-portrait with Monkey”, famous Girl with a Pearl Earring and more. With this newest update, users can see and learn more about the history and context of the artworks anytime and anywhere. Users can even immerse themselves into the artwork through the “Art Selfie” where they can be the face of the artwork through the front camera. I can use this as inspiration by making face-tracking filters where users can reimagine themselves as Davis eggheads or allowing them to have personalized and fun filters that also teach them about the history of Davis. In conclusion, the author introduces the Art Filter that lets users reimagine themselves as famous artworks and I can use this as inspiration to make my own Art Filters that are Davis-inspired.
The article focuses on how Augmented Reality will be changing education by providing current examples of AR education such as teaching AR in classrooms, using AR to teach lessons even outside of the classroom and through AR exhibits. It also discusses the 3 reasons on why it will influence education and these reasons are that it works for different learning styles, captures audience attention and is cheaper and cost-effective than previous years. From what I learned from this article, I’m thinking that my project will be more education-centric so I could probably target the younger audience too such as kids from 7-12 years old and create AR elements that are educational and teach people about the history of Davis in a more interactive and visual way. In conclusion, AR will help improve the digital education scene; hence, I plan to incorporate it to enhance the education of history of Davis to the users.
The article’s main purpose is to convince readers why Pokemon Go is a life-changer and how its creation influenced the future of AR experiences and impact society by listing out five benefits. Pokemon Go encourages its players to go out and exercise by offering numerous incentives that are AR-powered which leads to a better physical health, mental health, social interaction and exploring nature. Through this article, I learned a couple of effective ways to integrate gamified AR experiences into a fun game that could lead to the overall betterment of users. I can implement incentives such as providing Davis-inspired Poke-spots, Davis-inspired Buddy and other gamified Davis-inspired Pokemon Go elements in my project. In conclusion, the author mainly discusses the positive benefits of playing Pokemon Go; hence, I’ll include some Pokemon Go inspired mechanics in my project to get the same effect.